Jaxon eats a lot. He almost attacks me when he wants to eat. I have never seen a newborn as eager to eat as he usually is. He weighs 9 lbs 2 oz now. After a little more than a week, we're already above his birth weight. I’m nursing on demand, and right now, he nurses about every 2-3 hours, but he has at least 2 periods each day, usually in the afternoon and then again in the evening when he will nurse nonstop for several hours. I have tons of milk, so I know he’s not starving. He might just like the comfort of nursing? The evening nonstop feeding I don’t mind so much. I have noticed that when he eats like this in the evenings, he seems to sleep for several hours afterwards, so it’s almost like he’s just filling up before bedtime.
He burps a lot. That is something that I do not remember dealing with while the others were newborns. I know that they probably burped, but Jaxon seems to require several burps before we can be assured that he won't spit up. Speaking of spitting up, that's another thing I do not remember my breastfed babies doing. I know they spit up when I transitioned to formula, but I don't recall them spitting up very often when they were EBF. Jaxon also gets the hiccups a lot - he did this a lot in utero so it shouldn't surprise me, but he gets them several times a day.
He sleeps well, napping for a couple of hours at a time during the day in his bassinet. Nighttime sleeping is a little tougher – he doesn’t mind the bassinet during the day, or even during the evenings. But his bassinet is in our bedroom, and once we go to bed at night, he wakes up and wants to be in the bed with us. It’s like he has this radar that lets him know when we go to bed. And while it seems silly to say a newborn can have a preference on where he sleeps, I swear to you that he does! And he sleeps very well with us. But we’re pretty nervous when he’s in there with us, so I keep trying to get him to stay in his bassinet. Any suggestions on how to do that? I'm sure swaddling will get suggested, so let me go ahead and say that I suck at swaddling. But even if I was a pro, like the nurses at the hospital were, Jaxon is a little Houdini and got out of every swaddle they put him in. So no luck there. I'm open to other suggestions though!