eK-3zmjBImBHOZjRJYEZVBw4ZWs Shaky Mommy: About Shaky Mommy

About Shaky Mommy


I'm a wife and mom. I also have Young Onset Parkinson's Disease, diagnosed in July 2009, shortly before my 32nd birthday. I like the beach...I'd love to live there one day. I love to travel. I'm a planner & an organizer. I admit to being a little OCD. I like spreadsheets and Apple products. Having Parkinson's has forced me to slow down a little and enjoy life more. 

My incredibly amazing and very supportive husband, Jason, and I have been married since 2008. I brought Alex & Britain to the marriage (now 12 & 11), and he brought Emily (now 10), and we have our baby, Jaxon (4), together. Our life is busy, chaotic, LOUD, fun, and filled with love.
Our crew, 2011

Contact me at shakymommy at gmail dot com