eK-3zmjBImBHOZjRJYEZVBw4ZWs Shaky Mommy: Wordless Wednesday: You're too big for your BebePod when...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: You're too big for your BebePod when...


  1. Oh, that's too funny and very adorable.



  2. Hahaha, that's great! Our Bumbo is already gone. Isaac has no interest whatsoever in SITTING. :)

  3. Yeah, our Bumbo has been useless for a while. A few months ago, Jaxon climbed out of it one morning while he was supposed to be sitting while I was taking a shower. But the Bebepod had a buckle so I thought it was safe. I had no idea that he could flip it over and crawl away like that. I'm just glad I was sitting right there when he did that - you see he flipped it over and went straight for the stairs! Now I'm stuck using the pack and play every time I need to contain him for a minute. Hopefully, I have at least a few months before he figures out how to get out of it!

  4. I have the same problem, Isaac is into EVERYTHING. No mercy.
