Jaxon is now 16 months old! He rang in his 16 month birthday with a 103.4 fever. Thankfully, it didn't even last 24 hours. He had no other symptoms besides fussiness & fever, so I have no idea what was going on. I'm just glad he's better!
Things he loves: being outside, sticks, rocks, and dirt, riding his tricycle, playing at the pool, climbing on everything, opening doors to rooms or closets he shouldn't be in, and playing with the kittens and chickens, helping us do things (unloading the dishwasher, feeding the chickens), hanging the diapers out to dry, listening to music, "singing", dancing, and of course, nursing.
A rare quiet moment |
New things he can do: move a stool to a lightswitch to turn it on, start the dishwasher (ugh), open the sliding glass door to the outside (double ugh), get water and ice from the fridge (thank goodness for the lock), put the silverware away and place the knives into the knife block (closely supervised, of course!), tell me when he needs a diaper change, uses a fork and spoon.
Things he still doesn't do: sleep through the night, take regular naps, fall asleep without nursing unless he's in the car (do you see a theme here?)
New words: Papaw, Mamaw, Thank you, Welcome (you're welcome), truck, ice, outside, biscuit, blueberry, cat, truck
Favorite words (we hear these daily): broom, happy, vacuum, mop, bite, bye-bye
Something we love: Jaxon says "happy" whenever he is happy about something. For example, I asked him if he wanted to take a walk this morning and he nodded yes. Then he walked around for 5 minutes while I cleaned up from breakfast saying "happy, happy, happy."
Last week, the big kids went to Vacation Bible School and loved it. Each evening when we picked them up, we went inside and listened to the last little bit of their lesson and the ending song. Jaxon fell in love with all of it and by the third night was happily toddling into the church to be part of the fun. He tends to be a little shy and wary of new places and new people, often taking a lot of time to warm up. Not so with VBS! On the last night, the church had family night and all the parents came in to watch. Jason and I were sitting near the back with Jaxon, but each time they started a song, he ran up to the front alone. I took this video during the last song. He was having so much fun! It's hard for me to believe he's so big, but every day he's proving to be less and less of a baby.